Personal Style Photoshoot 1

2021 Cress Creek, Idaho

On my journey through my Professional Imaging class, one of the projects we are given is called a Personal Style Project. It is a way for us as students to figure out the type of Photography we want to pursue and present it to the class at the end. Part of the Personal Style Project is going out and doing photoshoots to use towards the project.

This shoot was a fall themed shoot for a cute family of 3. It was a blast working with them and seeing the love they share for each other and their daughter. It was super hard to narrow down the photos, but below are the top 6 that I fell in LOVE with.

I hope you enjoy!

Featured Work

Family, Photoshoot, Fall Themed, Nature, Natural Lighting
Family, Photoshoot, Fall Themed, Nature, Natural Lighting
Family, Photoshoot, Fall Themed, Nature, Natural Lighting, Dad, Daughter
Family, Photoshoot, Fall Themed, Nature, Natural Lighting, Mother, Daughter
Fall Shoot, Footsteps, Toddler
Family, Photoshoot, Fall Themed, Nature, Natural Lighting, Walking

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt
