Buffalo River Landscapes

Buffalo River Landscapes

Buffalo River 2021 Buffalo River, Island Park This is a continuation of my Professional Imaging class’s excursion to Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons. The first stop on the excursion was to Buffalo River to take some sunset photos. The sunset was very...
Yellowstone Landscapes

Yellowstone Landscapes

The Beauty of Yellowstone 2021 Yellowstone National Park This is a continuation of my Professional Imaging class’s excursion to Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons. The landscape photos below are from different parts of Yellowstone National Park. It was...
Excursion Portraits

Excursion Portraits

Excursion Portraits in Yellowstone and The Tetons 2021 Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons This is a continuation of my Professional Imaging class’s excursion to Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons. These portraits were just for fun while we thought...
Themed Portraits

Themed Portraits

Themed Portraits in Yellowstone and The Tetons 2021 Yellowstone, the Tetons In my Professional Imaging class we went on an excursion to Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons. It was super fun and one of the techniques we worked on was themed portraits. My teacher...
Long Exposure Photography- Indoors

Long Exposure Photography- Indoors

Long Exposure Indoor Photography 2021 Island Park In my Professional Imaging class, we did a lot of long exposure photography. This post includes all of the long exposure photography that we did inside of my teacher’s cabin in Island Park. The way to do...
Long Exposure Photography- Night

Long Exposure Photography- Night

Long Exposure Night Photography 2021 Tetonia, Buffalo River, Island Park In my Professional Imaging class, we did a lot of long exposure photography. This post includes all of the long exposure photography that we did outside at night. The way to do long exposure...
Extraordinary Shots from Ordinary Spots

Extraordinary Shots from Ordinary Spots

OS-ES 2021 Rexburg, Idaho OS-ES, or Ordinary Shot- Extraordinary Shot, is a new skill I learned in my Professional Imaging class. My teacher learned this technique from another photographer and wanted us to try it out. This new technique makes you think outside of the...
SQIBB Photography

SQIBB Photography

Studio Quality Invisible Black Background 2021 BYU-Idaho In my Professional Imaging class, we did a lot of long exposure photography. This post includes all of the long exposure photography that we did inside of my teacher’s cabin in Island Park. The way to do...