Excursion Portraits

Excursion Portraits

Excursion Portraits in Yellowstone and The Tetons 2021 Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons This is a continuation of my Professional Imaging class’s excursion to Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons. These portraits were just for fun while we thought...
Themed Portraits

Themed Portraits

Themed Portraits in Yellowstone and The Tetons 2021 Yellowstone, the Tetons In my Professional Imaging class we went on an excursion to Yellowstone, Island Park, and the Tetons. It was super fun and one of the techniques we worked on was themed portraits. My teacher...
Petrosky Grads

Petrosky Grads

Graduation Time! 2021 Brigham Young University- Idaho Their future is bright. Happy Graduation to the Petroskys. This was a fun photoshoot as we celebrated the end of their long road to graduation. We took these photos right on the Brigham Young University-Idaho...
Roommate Love

Roommate Love

Roommate Love 2018 BYU-Idaho Gardens This was a fun photoshoot that I did for my roommates. It was a ton of fun and we had a blast just being goofy. These were taken at the Brigham Young University-Idaho gardens. This shoot brought us all closer as roommates and we...