Creative Movie Poster

2021 Rexburg, Idaho

On the road to my Communications degree, I took a class called Professional Imaging. One of the projects we worked on had us use our Photoshop skills along with our camera skills. Below is the finished product of my movie poster we did.

Move Poster, Netflix, Movie

The Breakdown

Original, Movie Poster, Netflix

This is the original movie poster that I based mine off. I chose this movie from Netflix because I liked the cheesy romantic comedy it has. I also chose it because the main character is also Asian. I thought it would be fun to replicate this poster.

Photographer, Main Subject

This is a self-portrait. It was taken in my apartment using a window for lighting. I chose this pose because the original pose did not look flattering for the poster. I also wanted to highlight the letters since that was the main idea behind the movie.

White, Background. Brick, Pexels

This is the background I used for my movie poster. I wanted to stick with the white, but I couldn’t find a notebook-style background. I found this background off of a free photo website called the poster, I used a blur filter to enhance the depth of field that was displayed on the photo of me.

Typography, Letters, Movie Poster

Here are the different styles of typography I used to make the movie poster. Each one had a purpose so the poster would look real and similar to the original one.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt
